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Collapse: An Award-Winning Experimental Film

'Collapse' is an experimental black and white indie film which was recently selected as the best experimental film of Toronto Film Channel. The film us Directed by Alberto Martín-Aragón who has been experimenting with the cinematic language for years. The film is shot in a very creative style abd reflects on themes about humanity falling into chaos. Alberto Martín-Aragón created the film with Julia Domenech. 'Collapse' is the latest collaboration of the two talented experimental filmmakers.

Telling the story of a world sinking into madness, Collapse focuses on a doctor who has to live with the fact his lack of effort is the reason behind everyone’s pain. As the town around him descends into chaos thanks to an uncontrolled virus, the doctor finds himself haunted by his actions.

Martín-Aragón may be a filmmaker, but his heart and soul is clearly in storytelling. Along with numerous short film credits, Martín-Aragón is also a published author, with four novels to his name. The Spanish filmmaker knows how to tell a compelling story, and his experimental filmmaking style adds to it.

Winning several awards over the years for his experimental filmmaking, including just last month at the Toronto Film Channel for Collapse, Martín-Aragón is well deserving of the praise for his filmmaking style.

As he puts it himself in his bio, “I guess some people clever and wise have thought that my movies are not as bad as some friends of mine think.” Talented, and humble, a winning combination.


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